Dave Johnson, president and CEO of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), is the featured guest on the latest “Beyond the Wrench”

podcast. The podcast is hosted by Jay Goninen, co-founder and president of WrenchWay. In the podcast, Johnson discusses his professional career and how he started as a technician before switching into a management role. Johnson also covers the latest happenings at ASE, provides his thoughts on the industry and talks about the critical challenges faced by automotive professionals today.

The podcast features several segments on how ASE is working on the betterment of automotive service professionals. Highlights of the podcast include:

 (1:23) – How Johnson started repairing vehicles working on his family farm

 (9:10) – Start of his career transition to working at Ford and learning the importance of customer service and advocting for technicians

 (13:26) – How his position at ASE came about

 (19:44) – How working at Ford prepared him for ASE

 (21:00) – ASE working on behalf of the entire industry and all automotive service professionals

 (29:45) – Why he took the ASE job and his passion for technicians

 (34:50) – Importance of ASE certification and how to make ASE better

 (46:15) – Impact of ASE on industry and new messaging for ASE

 (50:30) – Addressing the technician shortge while getting more individuals certified

 (57:06) – Discusses the “circle of life” which is the basis of the ASE strategic plan

 (1:00:35) – Importance of ASE accredited schools.

To listen to the podcast, visit https://wrenchway.com/blog/whats-new-with-ase-a-chat-with-the-ceo/#.

Acerca del National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Establecido en 1972 como una organización sin ánimo de lucro, el National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) es una fuerza impulsora en la industria del transporte. Como tercera parte independiente, ASE mantiene y promueve altos estándares de servicio y reparación a través de la evaluación, certificación y acreditación de los profesionales actuales y futuros de la industria, y el prestigioso logotipo del Sello Azul ASE identifica a los profesionales que poseen los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para desempeñarse con excelencia. Hoy en día, hay aproximadamente 220.000 profesionales certificados por ASE trabajando en concesionarios, talleres independientes, talleres de reparación de colisiones, tiendas de piezas de automóviles, flotas, escuelas y universidades de todo el país. Para más información sobre ASE, visite www.ase.com.