The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) offers an ASE Introduction to Automobile Service (IAS) e-learning program for entry-level automotive service professionals.
IAS is an online training course designed to introduce entry-level automotive service tasks to prospective and entry-level personnel, as well as any service professionals interested in this specialty area, including service writers and parts professionals.
For those new to the industry, the IAS program can be the first step on the path toward ASE certification. Users who successfully pass the IAS quiz may print a customized certificate of completion.
The IAS program is delivered exclusively online and consists of four e-learning training modules and a separate quiz. An embedded glossary and safety zone section also helps to promote proper safety measures. This e-learning program incorporates modules to both deliver and measure the knowledge necessary to perform basic tasks.
“The ASE IAS program was created in response to industry interest in an ASE product aimed at prospective and new members of the automotive service industry,” said Dave Johnson, ASE president and CEO. “This online program is designed to familiarize them with basic automobile service tasks and serve as a foundation for future ASE certifications.”
To learn more about the IAS program and to register, go to the ASE Campus website.
Acerca del Instituto Nacional para la Excelencia en el Servicio de Automoción (ASE)
Creado en 1972 como organización sin ánimo de lucro, el National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) es una fuerza motriz en la industria del transporte. Como tercera parte independiente, ASE mantiene y promueve altos estándares de servicio y reparación a través de la evaluación, certificación y acreditación de los profesionales actuales y futuros de la industria, y el prestigioso logotipo del Sello Azul ASE identifica a los profesionales que poseen los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para desempeñarse con excelencia. Hoy en día, hay aproximadamente 220.000 profesionales certificados por ASE trabajando en concesionarios, talleres independientes, talleres de reparación de colisiones, tiendas de piezas de automóviles, flotas, escuelas y universidades de todo el país. Para más información sobre ASE, visite