Anthony Williams, a collision repair student at Wyotech in Laramie, Wyoming has been awarded the ASE Chairman’s scholarship for the 2024-25 school year.

“We want to congratulate Anthony on being selected as this year’s ASE Chairman's scholarship honoree,” said Tom Trisdale, chairman of the ASE board of directors. “We had many exceptional candidates apply, but Anthony stood out for his outstanding achievements in and out of the classroom. He has a very bright future ahead of him and all of us at ASE congratulate him on this tremendous honor.”

The ASE Chairman’s Scholarship recognizes the strong technical skills and foundational knowledge required to support the industry as an entry-level technician. The ASE Chairman is a voluntary leadership position, and the scholarship recognizes and honors the dedication of the ASE Chairman to the advancement of all service professionals. The ASE board of directors is proud to recognize the recipients of this scholarship as they begin their journey as an automotive service and repair technician.

Acerca del Instituto Nacional para la Excelencia en el Servicio de Automoción (ASE)

Creado en 1972 como organización sin ánimo de lucro, el National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) es una fuerza motriz en la industria del transporte. Como tercera parte independiente, ASE mantiene y promueve altos estándares de servicio y reparación a través de la evaluación, certificación y acreditación de los profesionales actuales y futuros de la industria, y el prestigioso logotipo del Sello Azul ASE identifica a los profesionales que poseen los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para desempeñarse con excelencia. Hoy en día, hay aproximadamente 220.000 profesionales certificados por ASE trabajando en concesionarios, talleres independientes, talleres de reparación de colisiones, tiendas de piezas de automóviles, flotas, escuelas y universidades de todo el país. Para más información sobre ASE, visite